the first sound…and the last

You cant keep hangin’ on
To all that’s dead and gone
Oh, let the ashes fly

Help me to make it
Help me to make it

the first sound…and the last
in the quiet before sunrise…
before this relentless world awakes…
at the window silhouette of my
alone listening…
i hear the first of morning’s call,
faint from the dense of sheltering evergreens…
alighting from February’s greyed and leafless branches…
in slow breaths past your sleeping lips…
i can hear our shared living mystery recital
whispered deep within your down pillowed dreams,
the serendipitous and storied soliloquy of
our improbable union of years.
in destiny devoted season after season…
that even in this cruelest of another Winter cold,
we can still scorch
in the white of our own flame.
and still… this fool romantic’s heart
could believe only Love beckons reconciliation,
but a slow and greying wisdom wonders
‘is it our friendship we can’t live without?’
and outside our window long past sundown…
when the world has turned away…
i hear the life mating cardinals, like us
a fated pair
calling each other home to close another day.
we are as the Universe demands, and how
i’m forever grateful it’s your voice i hear.
the first sound…
and the last.
drawing approx. 8″ x 8″ on vellum paper
pencil, watercolor pencil, white and black marker,
acrylic paint and sourced from various Google pics
click to enlarge

my earthly Angel

and how could it be…
hearing only her laughter, singing
the melody of my every dashed Hope, raining
down in sparks and chords
from soaring skies so high above my broken life,
swirling past faceless strangers
in anonymous rooms. if
there were other voices to hear that night
these ears never heard them, and if
there were other eyes to see,
mine never met them. and if
there is a steady hand
coloring summer days from despair, the
perfect cosmic hand was dealt us that night,
a royal flush of Kings and Queens,
of hearts and diamonds,
of fateful serendipitous
between the lost..
or found.
to Scout, my earth Angel
Happy 13th Valentine’s Day
approx, 8″ x 10*’ on vellum paper
pencil, watercolor pencil, white marker
sourced from a b & w selfie of Scout
and my imagination. click to enlarge.

Repost Friday……summer us

a summer favorite, and a light and breezy
soundtrack to read this poem by::::enjoy::::

summer us
how you try in vain to shield such lovely pale soft skin
with your lotions, umbrellas and wide brimmed straw hats
while i crave this Mediteranean sweat and bask in the burn

how you must swim in every fresh water or rolling surf
while i just dig my toes deeper into any warming sand
content just hearing your giggles and joy

how you refuse to wake up your sleep in vacation mornings
while i stay up sleepless nights penning you my poems of love
listening for the sighs and mumbles of your overtime dreams

how you dutifully RSVP each planned event and bbq
yet smiling face rush to any impromptu backyard party
while i ask you again and again please say ‘hey’ from me

how you always order your iced decaf Americano black
while i need extra soy in anything caffienated latte’ style
and who will really believe that we both sans the sugar?

oh darlin’!
my warm weather twin

and who would really believe our eleventh summer is almost here?
and why would anyone really hear the truth we simply can’t deny
that anyone can possibly share our summer joy more than you and i?
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on days like this
like so many days
and for no reason
and for all my reasons
this fragile heart can’t
face this relentless world

when all i hear is abundant cruelty
when all i know are slights and daggers
when all i feel is every desperate heart
when all i see is every place i don’t belong

remember… our first momentous night together

pine scented candles and your second hand flowered couch
when so tenderly stroking your forehead hushed you to sleep?
and content just to watch you breath your tranquil dreams

you knew then i could always do that for you and
i knew then i would finally share my every weakness
because there is no refuge in this world for me but you

Friday Repost: coverlet

Friday Repost
for my new friends,
a little dig in the
archives for you.

i dreamt…

i wrote you a poem last night

i traced the words with my finger

across the cotton coverlet

i wrapped you in

to keep you safe and warm
i watched

you breathing as you slept

sat on the edge of the bed

for hours remembering

every kiss i ever gave you…

every laugh i ever made you…
i’ve sewn

all our memories together

into this blanket of love

i wrapped you in

so you will always remember

all that you are to me
i wrote

the poem lightly with my finger

so not to wake you

and over and over and over

i traced the words so you never, never forget

‘please… don’t ever… ever leave me’


to her……seedling

to her….will be random posting
of Haiku devoted to
Scout, my partner

in your gaze i see,

all the colors of the Sun.

with you in my arms,
eyes kissing my earth,

what i have is all i need.

sweet gardener of Love…


Here are all the visible colors of the Sun,
produced by passing the Sun’s light through
a prism-like device.

Monday Haiku: the bird of Love


to her….
will be random posting
of Haiku devoted to
Scout, my partner


Love needs air to breath,

and Love needs Trust to survive.

birds need wings to fly….


i learned to let go

and love her with open arms.
the nest… calls us Home.
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to Christina and C.K. for their inspirational
post Let Go, Jump In, Love Wide Open ty.

respite…….the day the leaves fall

dear friends…these two poems were always planned to be companion pieces, i was just waiting for ‘the day the leaves fall’ to combine them. oddly enough, the day ‘respite’ posted, the wind played it’s part. this beautiful instrumental played it’s part as well, the second poem was written to the tempo of the music. if you pick it up, passages in the poem should coincide with crescendos in the song. ty, and i hope you enjoy!


the still Autumn wind
suspending leaves in… mid fall,
resting in blue sky….
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the day the leaves fall.

because only a milisecond

separates stillness from storm

shrill winds suddenly howling as

sleepy worlds sleep, stripping

bare all we know.


each Autumn leaf

and warming palette of life,

my safe womb under canopy

is such beauty discarded.

trampled like litter,


along streets

and on sidewalks.


everything changes,

the day the leaves fall.

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and the squirrels

they quicken their forage

fast finding bounty,

and begging for handouts,

before first frost concretes soil.



everything changes,

the day the leaves fall.

a flourescent white sky

is falling upon me


is blinding

these eyes, has

brittled these bones.

the ground shifts unstable

my thoughts are unsteady,


foul memories haunt me

the feared shapelings of doubt.

ghastly spirits gather,

like ghosts they’re in hiding.

and lurk in grey clouds,


bleeding in

and… bleeding out.


everything changes,

the day the leaves fall.



sing your song to me

my sweet songbird of seasons

beckon me Homeward

my loyal siren of Love

i hear your melody,


as i stand pale among trees.

our colors erased,

and our hearts are in doubt.

cradle me warm in your

down feathered embrace,


nestle me closer as

the winds now are scowling!

everything…. changes,

the day…. the leaves… fall.


each new day……Haiku

i carry less weight

than i did twelve years ago,

i shed my burdens.

i am younger now

than i was twelve years ago,

i found my child’s heart.

i see tomorrow…

without fear because i met

you… twelve years ago.

and together we

shine brighter with each new day,

rising like the sun!