oh poet, please

and for my friends at
d’verse, Tuesday Open Link


poet, please forgive this selfish intrusion
i have no right whatsoever to impose myself
certainly no expectations, or the need for a reply

but i keep returning to your poetry and pages
there seems a sadness there…or is it my own yearning?
that you’ve possibly uncovered a truth, i could not see

and now, rereading what i’ve written
i fear that this might be a terrible mistake
that you’ll think i’m demanding your attention

to try and become to you, what i certainly am not
it’s just that my native language, i thought in images
these words i write, were never my vocabulary

oh poet, please disregard this foolishness
it should probably remain, just a private note to myself
but the inspiration in sharing words…is saying something else

60 thoughts on “oh poet, please

  1. Oloriel says:

    This reminds me of how I often feel when trying to converse and befriend other people who write. This poet is your friend and you are hers and this will be the place I will always come back to πŸ™‚

  2. beeseeker says:

    Hey, come on …
    I mean this is a brilliant piece of work:
    The inspiration that comes from the inspirational eh?
    The inspiration circle
    going ever on.


    • and you have mine, poet. ty. i was trying to pay my respect, pay it forward to all you poets who have inspired this novice scribbler.

      thank you all. *head bowing*

      • beeseeker says:

        Respect modestly accepted.
        However, in my opinion we all deserve credit!
        This can be areal baring of the artistic soul … And that takes courage.
        On the other hand, like appears to have happened in the writing of your piece, we can all get sparks from others and set off fires for others.

      • Yes you are so right, we all deserve credit. …this circle of inspiration and encouragement amongst us is quite remarkable. ..i’ve lived almost 60 years, and i’ve never experienced anythibg quite like it.

        ..this poem was borne of self doubt, i’ve only scribbling this poetry since April, and when i stop writing long enough to think abiut what the heck i’m doing i get the terrors. ..also i have a profound aporeciation for those of us who have the courage to reveal and share so much of themsekves…i want to honor that courage by really trying to understand, trying to decioher their words…so i struggle with this, because i don’t always think i’m truly understanding.

  3. but how we need to share even words that we don’t understand or feel of value to the world – this made me smile. {hugs my friend}

  4. Sky Vani says:

    “there seems a sadness there…or is it my own yearning?
    that you’ve possibly uncovered a truth, i could not see”
    How awesome this part is! All truth is said in two lines. “Hat down!”, my friend πŸ™‚

    • ..thank you for your kindness Sky, you know how much it means to me.

      • Sky Vani says:

        Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this topic. You said what I mean

      • oh, i knew you understood what i was trying to say this morning Sky, i think it was when i read ‘awesome’ in your comment. i think it’s the first time i’ve seen you write that word! ty.

      • Sky Vani says:

        Oh, but one of my favorite quotes is by Barney Stinson (TV Show “How I met your mother”): “When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead” πŸ™‚ I love that word, it’s… well… it’s AWESOME!
        Now, serious… This poem has very special value to me. Thanks.

      • i love the word too, but in today’s slang it’s dated, it’s..well, old. but i use it all the time, i don’t care because i’m.. well, old too. LOL.

        and it warms my heart that these words have a speciaal meaning to you, not really sure i can express how that makes me feel that you’ve come back and read these comments and said that. ty so much.

      • Sky Vani says:

        I feel comfortable in this rocking chair, I don’t need to go out. I was here all the time but I was quiet, listening birds singing. Maybe that’s why you didn’t notice me. πŸ™‚

      • ‘in this rocking chair’, well you know, flattery will get you everywhere with me. LOL! but please come out to play more often, you’re voice is missed here on my pages.

      • Sky Vani says:

        Thank you for your kind invitation. I will try.

  5. yelena says:

    i agree with Sky Vani on those beautiful lines about sadness and uncovering a truth..seems i know this feeling and you’ve expressed it so…truly and powerfully. thank you much for sharing πŸ™‚

    • …you are most welcome Yelena and thank you so much…i’ ve tried holding poems back that i’ve written, like this one bur it seems writing is only half the process{{{ h u g s }}} and *smiles*

  6. Robyn Lee says:

    Wow ~ you have expressed beautifully a universal truth about poetry… and how we as readers can be awakened by another’s words … feel emotion that may have been suppressed or right ‘below the line’ for us. Very powerful indeed!! x RL

  7. Thank you for pinpointing the whole point of reading and writing poetry: communication. I really enjoyed your poem.

  8. brian miller says:

    smiles…it is an interesting relationship between the poet and the reader…a connection but also an independance and we can not force our view of the words on another…they must appreciate it for what it is….the lines blur in between

    • i agree, i was wearing both hats when i wrote this because it’s just as blurry a line, at least for me, being one who writes and reads as well.
      *all smiles*

    • hey Brian, i guess i thought i needed to add that this poem was not me ‘telling’, this was my own struggle, my own self doubt and insecurities as someone who is so new to writing. it’s just not in my nature to ‘tell’ because i’m so rarely sure of anything myself.

  9. ihatepoetry says:

    No need to ask for forgiveness. Yes, I wrote them all for you, even without either of us knowing it. Great poem here. Thanks.

  10. ayala says:

    An awesome write.

  11. cloudfactor5 says:

    The only thing left to be is you, cause everyone else is taken, saying what you feel is where poetry starts !! Very cool !!

  12. SSMatthews says:

    I trust you win the debate and continue. We are what we believe we are and you’re just going to have to live with ‘Poet.’ Enjoyed the read.

  13. annotating60 says:

    I’ve been there before when I was younger writing to Robert Penn Warren. I know the feeling.>KB

  14. Very intriguing. I like the letter structure.

  15. stevenmgrant says:

    The best poetry is quite often intensely personal, like sneaking a peek at the poets private journal. Thanks for making me smile!

  16. Splendid read– reminds me of so many conversations I’ve had with myself before commenting on posts. Good work. ~peace, Jason

  17. This is just awesome, my friend. So different from your other works I’ve visually digested. I love this, I really love this. I’ve read it three times and about to go for my fourth.
    This style/tone is hypnotic ~ I love it!! πŸ˜€

    • well, thank you so much. i’ve been holding this poem back for quite some time, there’s a new voice i found that i was unfamiliar with. i just decided to trust you all, and as always i’m so glad i did. thank you Andrea for beingso passionate about my words, it means more than i can say.

      {{{ h u g s }}} and *so smiling now*

  18. claudia says:

    i think we write something and then just put it out for the people to read and we have to let go about how it may come across.. there are poets that just touch me in unexpected places and when i read their work it’s like looking into my own soul – i would not expect my things to do the same for them – it is what it is – and it may speak to people in totally different ways – but each poem has something to say, so… smiles

    • than you for writing such a wise and thoughtful comment. i’m learning to trust, to let go of the fear. i’m just such a novice at this, i’m sure it will just take some time.

  19. Tony Maude says:

    This is part of the beauty of poetry; because we use images to show things to the reader, and because we leave plenty unsaid, every reader has the space to engage in a conversation with our work. Sometimes that conversation comes out in the form of new poetry – and that’s brilliant!

    • yes, we talked about it at the top of this thread, the circle of inspiration. and i really agree with this, ‘because we leave plenty unsaid’, even when i wrote prose i always tried to do that, create air and space for imagination and personal memories to surface.

      thank you for such a wise and thoughful comment, i’ll be by to visit tonight.

  20. One loves question

    one answer

    all is there


  21. Noora says:

    “there seems a sadness there…or is it my own yearning?
    that you’ve possibly uncovered a truth, i could not see”
    Truly fantastic lines. Your poem was very much enjoyed. Thank you for sharing.

    • well, thank you Noora, i really appreciate you saying so. i’m no sure if this happens to you, but things become evident to me, details get uncovered in the comments of others that weren’t eveident in the writing.

      i think i might have crossed some kind of threshold with this poem, it is so outside the boundaries of what i normally write…i guess we’ll see what comes along next. LOL!

  22. Pamela says:

    It is all about sharing, wchk. I enjoyed this.


    • yes it is, isn’t it? i guess there are more than a few messages in this poem, but my primary reason for writing it, was to talk about the sharing. the experiences, the inspiration between poets here on WP is quite remarkable, and something i’ll never take for granted. thank you for taking the time to read and leave your comments, it means a lot to me. *smiles*

    • oh, you are so kind, thank you for your wonderful compliment. *blushing*
      and i’ve enjoyed your words as well, i will be returning soon to read what i’ve been missing. *smiles*

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