little ladybug…..Haiku

little ladybug

‘little ladybug
there’s nothing to fear from me,
i mean you no harm.’

‘my mom taught me well
to respect all living things,
she had a big heart.’

…i miss her a lot…
‘we had a praying mantis
come to our window

for one whole summer,
and eat lettuce she fed it…
i would watch in awe

as it ate each leaf…
i can’t remember the name
that i chose for it,’

…where has the time gone…?
‘but i remember the eyes
moving all around….’
images (34)
‘little ladybug,
you can stop being scared now.
i was just reaching

for my ice cold glass
of delicious lemonade,
and it’s homemade too!

can you continue
to do your little dance on
the rim of my glass?

when you raise your wings,
is it the sugar you like?
or are you in love?

little ladybug,
i’ll just pour another one
’cause we have plenty.’

my encounter with little ladybug happened on the farm,
while i was sitting by myself at the picnic table.

the praying mantis came to our kitchen window everyday
for an entire summer. i was six and my mom would lift
me onto the counter, so i could watch it eat.

56 thoughts on “little ladybug…..Haiku

  1. David M. Green says:

    Cool Beans! 🙂

  2. Cubby says:

    I feel guilty after reading such a lovely poem in which life is cherished in its humblest forms. I never kill ladybugs, but I do kill mosquitoes and pill-bugs…and the odd spider. 😦

    • hi Cubby and a warm welcome to you this morning.
      and if it makes you feel less so, i’m with you on
      mosquitos, since i got West Nile Virus last year.

      nasty stuff, you might be doing yourself a very big favor! *smiles*

  3. Morgan says:

    cute Little guy. gotta love these little critters ( until they swarm in your living room in the middle of winter cause they like your heater,…) LOL

  4. rabirius says:

    I have a ladybug as a pet now…
    …I already wanted to set him outside – but he always comes back 🙂

    • oh my goodness, i can believe it Rabirius.
      i’ve seen with my own eyes, the Mantis returning every morning.

      thank you for sharing that sweet story, and a very warm welcome to you.
      you made me smile seeing you on my pages, ty.

  5. Oloriel says:

    Ladybugs are a special kind of splendor. In my country they are considered an omen of incoming guests to your house,if they go on your arm.
    A lovely poem!

    • so if one lands on your arm, that means you will be having guests, how cool.
      at least it gives folks some time to straighten up a little, LOL *smiles*

      ty, yes they always occupied a special place in my heart too.
      is that color duplicated anywhere else in nature? because if
      it is, i can’t recall….

  6. Memories of childhood, being lifted up on the counter.. how little things are kept as precious and remain with us for so many years…as is the lady bird verse, it brought back innocence and childhood and wonderment of little creatures- thank you.

    • ty, i definitely tapped into my ‘child’s voice’ to write this,
      and i’m so glad he’s back home where he belongs. those childhood
      memories are there, waiting for us to remember them, and you are most welcome.

  7. Everybody loves ladybirds.

    Well, apart from aphids.

  8. Tony Maude says:

    Not seen many ladybirds (well that’s what we call ’em) this year; at the moment we have loads of craneflies though. Nicely observed poem HA.

    • ‘ladybird’, i wonder if that is a regional thing, i’m originally a NY’er and now in Illlinois and it’s ladybug here too. i’ve had several commenters call them ladybirds though. ty so much Tony, i really appreciate the encouragement.

  9. brian miller says:

    love the compassion in this..your mom obviously taught you well…we have enough…i like the humility in that as well…there are many who would never have enough to have this kind of heart…smiles..

    • thank you Brian for that sentiment, yes, mom taught me early. she ended up teaching herself to become the neighborhood veterinarian in our poor neighborhood in Brooklyn, she was able to birth a baby with what she knew too before the ambulance arrived.

      i was so grateful that the ladybug sparked the mantis memory, that was buried pretty deep. ty again, *smiling back*

  10. Talicha J. says:

    Thank you for sharing a piece of your past with us, nice work!

  11. SSMatthews says:

    My grand-daughter, she two and I will read this to her in just a while, because she is a ladybug, or so she says!

  12. I just adore this, so delightful, would be beautiful for children to read, the voice is so perfect. A beautiful story and memory, thank you so much for sharing it! 🙂

    • oh thank you so very much and a warm welcome to’s so funny that you mention reading this poem for children, one of my WP friends just tonight said he would be to his 2year old grand daughter.

      i’ve been re- discovering my lost ‘child’s voice’ the last month, i guess that’s the voice you recognize, and ty again pandemoniumcat. *smiling*

  13. Truedessa says:

    Enjoyed the lady bug..I once heard it was good luck to behold a lady bug..there is something special about them and I think you captured it well.

  14. What a lovely poem of rememberence ~ taking the little lady bug and spinning your mind through time ~ happy time ~ thank you.

  15. Kirsten says:

    I’ve always loved ladybugs. I think of them as good luck. This is a lovely poem.

  16. Pamela says:

    wchk, a very gentle poem. I love to watch the ladybugs while they crawl on our sunflowers.


  17. beebeesworld says:

    As an “amateur entomologist” I know that lady bugs eat other insects, such as aphids, which is perhaps is what she was doing-eating the aphids that were eating the leaves, Still the story is precious. that you cared about a living thing, even an insect. I did too, even as a child, and it sparked my interest. Praying Mantises are on of my favorite insects. They are the only insect that can turn their heads!. They are carnivorous, and it is difficult to watch them eat bees and butterflies, but I have to let nature take its course. I have seen a butterfly struggle so hard that it had pulled the leg off of the mantis-thus escaping. A mantis goes through “instars”, shedding its exoskeleton as it grows and its claw will actually grown back,, though most don’t have time to grow back to their full size.
    Years ago, when there were more gardens in my neighborhood and thus more mantises laying casings and living out their lives, I started marking them with craft paint at about the 3rd instar-this is when you can start telling a male from a female (females are larger and have a wider abdomen).and when I saw them molt, I would re-mark them-I knew “which mantis was which” in quite a few, of them, even as they grew. I would mark the casings the females made (they look like tan Styrofoam, are attached to a plant stem and hold next years eggs). Thus, I would know that these babies who drilled their way out of the casing the next spring ( it looks rather like wood shavings) belonged to which mom. Of course, i could not trace them after that-I had to be satisfied that “maybe” they were hers because they hatched near her casing and don’t travel far when their is adequate food. It is not true that female mantises always eat the male after mating. Only males who “dismount” wrong from a hungry female after mating meet this fate. (This is also true with black widows).

    Insects are so fascinating, I hope you teach children to observe them , learn about them and not just :smash the bug”. Many are our friends and we should protect them. I should have made a blog out of this-sorry-I do have a blog on mantises-it may be on a different site. I enjoy your work and look forward to reading more. I hope you still find joy in watching the creatures that we share our world with. beebeesworld

  18. what a fascinating lesson , i learned so much about the life of mantises today, ty for that beebee. and yes, i’ve never fogotten the lessons my mom taught me, such deep respect and admiration for all living things.

    i absolutely think you should blog this fascinating science lesson, i think folks would be as amazed as i was to learn all these details.

    thank you again for always reading my words, it means a lot to me.

  19. Love that story. Thank you for sharing that sweet moment of your life.

  20. I really love this poem! I wrote a somewhat similar one years ago about a “little green bug upon the picnic table”. Thank you for sharing.

  21. SirenaTales says:

    tender and delightful…reminding me of my many convos with ladybugs and their pals. loved hearing about your surprising tale of the pet praying mantis, as well—such a lovely, and telling, story. xo

    • heh, i hadn’t thought about that mantis episode in decades,
      the little ladybug ressurected that memory for me!
      and ty Chloe, i always look forward to your engaging
      comments….Love and Huugs to you

  22. wunderwench says:

    very zen, and sweet. As a mother of a young man, it is nice to know that some lessons we teach our sons are actually taken to heart… honoring little things that appear less significant and seeing their beauty is a BIG lesson IMHO

    • oh i agree wunderwench, i was fascinated with insects when i was a kid,
      but not in a very good way. my mom loved every living thing and instilled
      that in me and i’m forever grateful. and ty, i guess it is kinda’!

  23. Wonderful stuff, WC, thanks for reposting.

    I always feels so blessed when a ladybug (or any creature) chooses to land on my shoulder. That trust is a surprise gift, as are your poems. Have a wonderful week!


    • yes it is a gift, and apparently in some cultures ladybugs ar
      quite revered, as they should be! honestly they always make me giggle
      a little, they are so odd when you really look at them closely.

      you are a sweet friend Christy, ty. i’m so glad we connected.

  24. Hmmm…I thought I read and commented on this the other day… weirdness.

    Anyway this is sweet…I can see her dance 🙂

  25. Thanks to Mary’s blog I’m happy to discover a soulmate who combines poetry with pictures. I published here many photo-poems, also one about ladybirds hiding before winter

    a travel of sorts

    I will comment on your artwork-poems separately.

    • hi Andrzej and a very warm welcome to you,
      ty for leaving a link to your work, i will
      spend some time on your blog tomorrow.
      how intriguing…another poet / artist,
      this is only my third poem/artwork pairing.

  26. F.G.M. says:

    What a nice poem! En français, les “ladybugs” portent le très jolie nom de coccinelles, ou “bêtes au Bon Dieu” – very inspirational. Thanks for sharing your beatiful poetry! Kind regards from France

    • hi F.G.M and a very warm welcome to you. i’m so glad you enjoyed this poem, the experience was so sweet i just had to share it. ty for taking the time to write such a wonderful comment, and kind regards from Chicago!

  27. love the natural harmony your poem espouses here.

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